Little Cloud

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notespeller2Aug 25, 2009

oh, and be sure you are in Program files, NOT my documents!

notespeller2Aug 25, 2009

WEll first you gotta sign up- it's all free. Then click the download tab on the pages. If you scroll down a tad it'll have a section called "Download Files." Click the ones you want. (usually there are more than one so you can pick and leave what you don't want.) Then go to C: > Program Files > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3. In that folder create a folder called Mods (if there isn't one already) Then within that folder create another called Packages. This is where you will need to place the downloaded files.  

notespeller2Aug 24, 2009

Hey, repying as to where i got my True Rebellion Mods: Piercings: Back Tat: Arm Tats:   Mod the sims stuff works differently than TSR so if you need help with them let me know 

YukosanAug 23, 2009

(Phew) ^ ^ So it is in 12 days. A scary thought, you say? \:P If I didn't know better, I'd think you were older than thirteen already. Hahaha. That's so funny, you hate Sasuke. Good for you! No offence to Naruto fans, though. When I say something bad about a show/band or something, I'm afraid that someone's going to get mad about it (you know how some people can get possesive over something they don't even own, just things they like). \:puke\: But it seems most people here aren't like that. \:eek\: I started school on Aug 17th. September 8th does seem really late though, but if you get out later, it's just like going at any other time. Schools around my place keep starting earlier and earlier each year, and it seems yours are starting later. :P

YukosanAug 22, 2009

So it's not hard to make the stuff, just to submit it. \:P I see now. Really hope you do figure it out soon. I won't tell anyone \;\) lolol, that's a funny reaction to get from your siblings! Sometimes you just do things to get a reaction from people... I think this is one of those things. But still, if you read it (and like it), that's cool. If you really like it that much, then don't worry about what everyone else thinks about it. \:\) Who do you hate that everyone loves? That is funny. \:P And ugh, I know, dang summer \:\( good things can't last forever... that's very true. Bad things can't last forever (or maybe just for too long) either, so there's summer next year... even though that's not for a while. Hope your weekend is going good so far, too. \:\) Oh, and your b-day is coming up! \:eek\: In... 12 days (counting from tomorrow), I think. \:D

YukosanAug 22, 2009

Oh I see. Is it hard to figure it out? I think I may try to get sims 3 at best buy after a few expansions are out and lots of custom content for it has been made. Can't wait until you do get some stuff up, though! Lol ~ those are all some good guesses; \:P but the correct answer is: it's Yuuko Ichihara from xxxHolic, where my name comes from. \;\) So you like Naruto now? I'm still on the same viewpoint that you used to have (hate it ;P) but that's cool that you find it addicting now. It's alright if someone likes something, but when it gets so popular, it can get tiresome to see it everywhere. And don't worry about the typo, it's fine. ^ ^ Often times I put "after" instead of "ever" for some reason, no idea why, and it ends up looking so dumb lol.

YukosanAug 21, 2009

That's cool, just hope that they end up being better than the first one. \:P On the bright side, it's still good that you got some awesome stuff (like you said). \:\) Never been to a convention personally, but my friend and me wouldn't mind going to one. There doesn't seem to be much of any around here. Oh well. And yes, someone always gets sick. It used to be just me and my cousin who got sick in the car, but we don't anymore. Now it's just anyone. \:confused\: Regardless, you're right, it does spoil the good view. Just chilling huh? \:cool\: Do you think you are going to be able to submit something you made soon? A story maybe? Sorry if I ask that too much, just being too nosy. \:P It's still really hot outside, but I can't believe summer months are ending already...

YukosanAug 18, 2009

Wow, that's just crappy if people were suposed to be there and they didn't show... \:\( I'm sorry. Seriously though, how could they close the FF panel. \:puke\: Not fair to you at all. \:mad\: Do you think you are going to go to any more later in the future? If you do, hopefully everyone is there that time. What cute things did you get? XD Yes indeed, mountains are very pretty, and driving on the roads that go up and down them is fun, except for when you or someone else starts to feel sick. That's a whole different story. Have you been doing anything different lately?

caridinaAug 17, 2009

Hello there! Thank you for your sweet comment on my screenie of the Strange garden \:rah\:

YukosanAug 17, 2009

Oh, I see, lol, sometimes cousins are confusing. Still, the doggy attack was not good at all. I'm back now. On the way there and back, there were a ton of mountains; and I thought of you! Since you said you loved to draw them. XD How was your mini vacation? That had to of been awesome, or at least interesting. Dang I use that word too much. Anyway, how was it?

alolengAug 16, 2009

Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I'm flattered you liked my "falls" screenshot. Actually there is a lot on that spot which you can enjoy swimming in my fake pond at the falls. If you may, you can visit my mini website and check on The Waterfall Way lot. Thanks again and Happy simming!

spitzmagicAug 16, 2009

Little are so funny. I laughed out loud at your comment on The Path Beyond...thanks for the giggles. Have a wonderful weekend..\:wub\:  barbara

spitzmagicAug 12, 2009

Thank you so much for your   \:rah\:   \:D   I know what that means ..(sometimes we don't need words) comments on my story "Ghost in the Attic". It means alot to me. I am very glad you enjoyed it....\:wub\: Barbara

caridinaAug 11, 2009

Hi! Thank you for your funny comment on my screenshot of sharks in the garden. But is is safe, there is a big fence round it \:D Have a nice day! //Caridina

RepulsiveDesireAug 11, 2009

I am so glad that you liked my story Shrouded In Darkness . I hope the next chapter is just as pleasing to you. Have a wonderful night.

MJxoAug 7, 2009

Heya! Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend\:cool\: Talk to you soon. Mariah\;\)

fredbrennyAug 7, 2009

I love my name...Fredbunny...hahaha! Thanks for reading the story! Happy that you liked it!

YukosanAug 5, 2009

Haha, I thought it was! \;\) Awwwwwww \:\( I'm sorry... I wonder why he decided to attack you... That sucks \:puke\: and must have hurt. So he doesn't really like new people. Where were you at, if you were 'new'? Sometimes dogs, or all animals are so random and unpredictable. I'm glad you're fine other than that, but still, owwwch. \:wacko\: -pats head- Sorry if it takes a while to reply to you, leaving on a vacation any time now. Oh, by the way, thank you for leaving a comment on my story. <3 Still can't wait for you to get some of your own stuff up.

YukosanAug 4, 2009

Thank you. n__n Sometimes creepy is good, sometimes just.. creepy. \:confused\: But what about your trip to Colorado, wasn't that exciting? \:P \:eek\: Attacked by a dog??? That's not good... why did the doggy attack you? \:\(

YukosanAug 3, 2009

That is true, but I have seen your stories off this site. \;\) I really hope you do get some stuff up though! It would be awesome. Well, never really thought about doing that (looking for it at Best Buy or ordering offline). From what you say it sounds like Best Buy should have the good games. Don't know where one of their stores is around here, but if I find out, I'll go there. Thanks. ^ ^ Have you been up to anyhing else besides just chillin and trying not to think about school? :P

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